
What Your Wireless Carrier Knows About You

Like a lot of cell phone users, you may live wondering honorable what your tune company knows most you. Can it see what kinds of apps you'ray running along your phone and where you go online while you're out and astir? Can IT tell what types of phones and tablets are connected to their networks, and how much data they have? The answer to these questions is "yes."

Every bit mobile data usage has skyrocketed, radio set operators have built even more intelligence operation into their networks to help them can allocate electronic network resources properly. For instance, if you download or upload moderate-size files from the Internet, your provider might label your task "forward priority" and allocate more available bandwidth to the person across the street who is jetting a highly time-sensitive app same video confab.

In general footing, wireless operators capture three main kinds of information: information about the devices connected to the electronic network, metadata about the packets of data that run for done the network, and selective information about the content restrained in the packets beingness downloaded or uploaded by the subscriber.

For the most part, the toter sees this information in an aggregated form that is not directly associated with several users. Operators spend most of their time looking large trends in the usage patterns of large groups of users.

Ironware Connected to the Network

The network engineers who employment in the network see to it centers in any lymphoblast-like market have a astonishingly granular view of their networks in real time. If they craved to, these engineers could discover a single gimmick entering a specific cell and identify the typecast of device it is, its operating system (if it's a smartphone, a tab, or a laptop USB modem), its IP come up to, its bandwidth consumption, and straight-grained the apps it is gushing.

Wireless operators require to know about the devices on their mesh so that they can make believe assumptions about the sorts of content their customers are exploitation and the amount of bandwidth they'll need. For example, if the carrier knows that the smartphones it has sensed typically have got giant screens, it rear conclude that those devices leave probably equal consuming a comparatively large amount of cyclosis television content, which requires a lot of bandwidth.

Similarly, carriers rear notice smaller, less expensive phones that don't melt a real OS merely do sport a full keyboard. The operator can deduce that these devices are specialised for social networking, which doesn't call for a lot of bandwidth but does require a batch of signaling in the network. The updates and uploads that originate from these phones may be just a couple of kilobytes in size, but they are likely to be many, and from each one combined requires a number of "signals" to route them through the network correctly.

To manage the radios that sit on the jail cell towers end-to-end their markets, wireless operators trust on a special set of software tools and ironware boxes. They use the equipment (which Alcatel, among others, sells) to tune the radios and their antennas to provide the best connectivity potential to the majority of devices served in the electric cell.

The boxes, which live at the edges of the network, underestimate the right direction to betoken the radio antennas in and the appropriate amount of business leader to supply to the signals they send out. To do this fountainhead, the equipment must be able to tell what devices are copulative to a radio in a cellular telephone, and how far from the radio the mobile devices in the cell are connecting.

McDonald stresses that peregrine operators don't wont web intelligence operation equipment to determine various devices' physical locations on a map. Instead, they revolve around the place of mobile devices relative to the cell towboa.

'Metadata' About Information Packets

To go one layer deeper than the device level, wireless operators use network intelligence information engineering science, such as Alcatel's Wireless Network Guardian Beaver State Sandvine's Meshing Analytics, to learn about the packets of data that mobile devices send and receive from the mesh.

Every data packet that flows through the network includes a "header" filled with 'metadata' or so the packet. This 'metadata' includes details such as the extraction and destination of the mail boat, the protocol (Information science) used by the packet, whether Oregon not the packet contains information from a real-meter service like VoIP, and the number of data in the package. The header gives the operator a approximate estimation of what the self-satisfied is for, without disclosing any actual inside information of the content itself.

The wireless operator can purpose this header data to help it tailor its service to lawsuit the needs of various users. For instance, later on detecting that a packet flow is a period app care VoIP, the operator might give priority to delivering those packets over delivering other, less clock-sensitive packets in the network. Lag, the operator might assign a lower priority to packets containing data from an MP3 file being uploaded to a server. The subscriber might represent doing this in the background and consequently non live especially concerned about the hotfoot of the upload.

Network intelligence data may also enable operators to identify specific cells in which extremely bandwidth-thirsty applications are heavily used. E.g., if manoeuvrable TV-chatter becomes popular in the downtown area during business hours, the operator might increase the bandwidth available to the cell responsible for that arena during that time period.

Wireless services also need to be fit to notice utmost-demand ad hoc events, such as major sporting contests, that nates put out lots of emphasise happening a foreordained cell in the network. The carriers know that there will be games at Yankee-Doodle Sports stadium three multiplication a calendar week during baseball season, so they mustiness take steps to assure that all of the Yankee-Doodle fans in attendance undergo data service and voice service (so they can vociferation their friends in Bean Town and wipe it in if they win).

Victimisation meshwork intelligence software, the operator can cod a lot of information close to the honeycombed data of necessity of the fans at these games. Information technology can find how many are using smartphones, how umteen are flowing video of other major league baseball game games, how many are using social networking apps, and how numerous are just placing voice calls.

Based on this information, the operator can air its network in the area to accommodate the various user types in attendance. Since operators sometimes don't use every of the wireless spectrum they own, they might divert some into service at the stadium to accommodate the larger-than-usual concentration of subscribers. They tin can move amplifiers or other infrastructure equipment into the cell, increase the density of alveolate radios in the area, and create WI-Fi hotspots in and around the bowl to offload some of the information traffic from the cancellated network. Perchance most importantly, they tin better prioritize their treatment of the various types of data requests coming from users in the stadium, to see that network resources are old in the best mode possible.

Wireless services also use meshing intelligence software to help measure the broadband exercis of subscribers who have metered data plans. The software informs the carrier's charge system whenever a user goes over the allowable usage limit, triggering a schedule of overage charges.

Deep Packet Review

Illustration: Jeffrey Pelo

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) package lets the operator distinguish the Websites that users are visiting and the Web services that they're victimisation. The software–or "middleware," as it's called–captures a few packets of data flowing to or from a device on the network, and then quickly analyzes the details of the content contained in the packet. This cognitive content, called the "payload," could be anything from inbound or outbound Skype videoconferencing data to an OnLive haze over gaming session to a Facebook update.

The carrier can use DPI intelligence to support delivery of a guaranteed quality-of-service level for a specific app, much as corporate-level videoconferencing. In this case the software identifies the packets coming from the app, and monitors the amount of time during a given interval that the network cannot convey all of the packets at the promised speed. If there is too a lot of this "down time," the operator may pay the customer in some preset way.

DPI intelligence can also assistant the carrier identify taxation opportunities in a minded market. Dave Caputo, CEO of network intelligence software program maker Sandvine, gives the example of an operator in Latin America that used DPI data to discover that many of its subscribers were spending much of time on Facebook; in fact, they were victimisation it more than they utilised YouTube (past bandwidth). The operator also learned that the subscribers were willing to pay for a high-priced data plan if the service could guarantee them unlimited use of the Facebook service every month.

Caputo says that this site is a win-win for the operator and the contributor: The manipulator makes more money per subscriber, spell the subscriber enjoys the certainty of not incurring overage charges. Alcatel-Lucent's McDonald likens such a be after to a phone company plan that provides for unlimited night or weekend minutes.

On the tenebrous side, carriers may usance DPI software for "rightful interception"–that is, to charm information for law of nature enforcement from the data streams of "persons of interest." Darker still, critics give birth cited DPI as a joyride that operators may use to observe then then inhibit or block certain kinds of content–a violation of the principals of network neutrality.

Distinctly wireless operators can look jolly profoundly into their networks and into the devices connected to them. But Andrew McDonald, Alcatel-Aglow's V.P. of meshwork and service of process management product unit, stresses that wireless carriers are far Sir Thomas More interested in the habits of large groups of users than in those of single users. "Carriers need to understand the dealings freight on wholly parts of the network like a sho and in the future," he says. "They are looking for to see if something is changing in a bad way; they are sounding for trends."

Specifically, operators are attentive about correcting or preventing bandwidth shortfalls and about forecasting the amount of bandwidth that various parts of the meshing testament need in the future day, McDonald explains. McDonald says that mobile operators are not much exploitation electronic network intelligence operation data to optimise networks around today's usage patterns as using information technology to predict large shifts in bandwidth usage habits over time.

He gives the example of what mobile carriers wont to call up "the busy hour." This was a high-utilization hour when people were heading home from business district to the suburbs. It was a fourth dimension of heavy traffic and also a time when users were passage from one cell to the next as they traveled homeward.

But usage patterns denaturized, and the so-called busy hour became much less pronounced as people began victimisation their smartphones and apps throughout the workday, and from lots of different locations–including at home, where many and much mass now spend their workdays.


Sandvine's Caputo and Alcatel-Lucent's McDonald jibe that wireless carriers are shrewdly sensible of the fact that too much information (TMI) can be a problem when it comes to detecting activity in the network. Carriers have sex that a subscriber may deem their monitoring of a single gimmick and its browse habits as an encroachment of privacy. They also realize that you can't learn much about usage call for by watching just one user.

Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. For charge or security measur reasons, carriers may associate the device with its owner through something called "IP to ratifier chromosome mapping." This involves mapping the IP address of a twist to the reader account that information technology's registered under. Doing soh can be incumbent if, for exemplify, a connected device becomes infected with a virus and begins to abuse network resources so heavily that it begins to compromise other users' electronic network performance. In this case, network engineers may detect the device running the bad app and either suspend Beaver State point of accumulation its access to the web until the gimmick is fixed or the violative app terminated.

The operator stool easily notice such problems at the level of a device, but isolating problems at the app level is a little more difficult, though still possible, McDonald says. He adds that carriers have detected apps from all major mobile Operating system that consume maltreated network resources, and says that wireless carriers accept been very active in minimizing the adverse effects of these flare up-ups.


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