
How To Play Better Guitar In Front Of The Camera

Guitarist's Guide To Playing Guitar Live

At that place are so many things to consider when you accept to play a gig equally a guitar player merely once you've played a few, information technology'll become less daunting and you lot'll be prepared for anything. Just until you go to that point, information technology's probably proficient to have a checklist to help y'all mentally prepare for every bear witness.

Nearly like playing the scenario through in your head and then going and playing the show.

Jed Van Wyngaardt

I'm going to run you through the iv key stages of playing guitar live at a show and what gear you might need for each phase: preparing for the show, soundcheck, during the show and afterwards the show.

only ultimately, information technology comes downwardly to preparing and playing a memorable show for yourself and the audience and having fun whilst doing and so.  Whether you're a pro or beginner, these steps will help in some fashion to brand sure your next bear witness is a doozy!

How to fix for a gig playing guitar

Playing your offset gig can be daunting. Playing your 100 th  gig tin be daunting as well. The but mode yous'll let yourself to trust in your ability and feel 'comfy' at the show is if you've prepared for the songs y'all'll be playing.

What to do leading up to the show

  • Larn the songs like the back of your mitt.  And I don't mean write the chords on the dorsum of your paw. Without sounding preachy, knowing the songs volition requite you the freedom to perform and enjoy yourself without thinking near that adjacent Bb Diminished chord!
  • Dial in the same tones at practise that you'll be using at the show . This volition let you to play the songs exactly as intended. With the correct delay times, sustain, pinch and distortion. Attempt to rehearse at gig volume at least once before the testify – this is so that you're used to the ability and volume of a show.
  • Make sure your rig is gig-ready.  Check what gear you lot demand to bring. Sometimes a venue volition have guitar cabs that you can utilize which means you tin can plug your guitar head in and not worry most lugging your own cab around. However, some venues are notoriously depression on gear so brand sure you take everything that you demand to plough up and stone out!
  • Practice along to a metronome set to the right tempo of each song you're going to perform. Get used to playing in time and staying in time. Pretty much everyone speeds up when playing live so attempt and get used to how it feels to stay playing at the same speed, in time and in the groove.
  • Make sure your gear is gear up  correctly and at a gigging standard . You should always exist playing with good strings – older strings tin can rust and harm your frets and volition generally sound bad and tin can besides lose their tension  and tuning!
  • Use straplocks  to prevent a disaster. This is all downward to preference simply straplocks  will permit you to move almost without worrying nigh the guitar strap slipping and eventually dropping your precious instrument! They're cheap and effective.

Guitarist's Guide to Playing Live - Andertons Music Co.

(above: straplocks and a tuner are essential guitar gear, both on and off stage)

What should a guitarist have in their gigbag ?

  • Spare Strings  – in the aforementioned estimate as the set on your guitar.
  • Spare Strap  – with the correct straplocks!
  • Spare guitar picks  – considering when y'all driblet 1, information technology will  disappear into the abyss.
  • Guitar tuner  – headstock or otherwise, it'south imperative to be in melody and non sound like nails on a chalkboard!
  • Guitar tools including wire cutters and A llen 1000 eys to adjust action if needed
  • Pen and paper  – always handy to make setlists, remember chord changes or pen a new song backstage
  • Amp backup – amp sim or multi- fx  with born amp modelling  in case your primary rig goes down.
  • Batteries  – for your pedals or guitar if y'all accept active circuitry.
  • Spare cables  – an absolute must accept! Make sure they're the same class as your gigging cables too.
  • Spare mains adapter / multiplug adapter  – to ensure you take the power options available.

What'south a soundcheck for a guitarist?

The soundcheck exists to allow you to dial in your tones to taste and to let the engineer to take these tones and brand them audio the best that they can out front.

Observe a sound that yous like and allow the engineer do the residue.

If there is no sound engineer, then attempt to balance the overall level of the band and make sure your guitar is the correct volume in relation to the other band members. Recollect your guitar volition audio unlike in the mix amongst the sounds of the drums, bass, vocals and annihilation else so dial in your tone to sound skilful with those instruments playing. And so relax and have fun with it!

Tips for playing the guitar alive – information technology's starting time!

The virtually of import thing about the show is to relax, have fun and perform. All the hard work should be done beforehand so you should but enjoy making music. Allow your muscle retentiveness take over and enjoy the moment.

Have some backup strings, a string winder, strap and cables nearby in case of an emergency also every bit your replacement amp or modelling amp if you have that luxury but try not remember about anything going wrong.

Why not read our article on the tiptop 100 hacks every musician should know before yous get prepare for your adjacent gig.

After the show

Clean your guitar.  Subsequently the testify yous should endeavor to make sure your guitar is wiped downwards and the strings are cleaned as this might requite y'all a few actress days of string life before they need a re-cord.

How to clean your guitar - Andertons Music Co.

(above: taking intendance of your guitar can brand all the deviation between shows. Click here to read our guide on guitar care!)

Brand a checklist of all of  your gear that  you lot brought to the gig and everything you need to take abroad. This is particularly important for all of  the accessories that might get lost easily.

Pack up neatly and shop your equipment safely.  If y'all take care of your gear, your gear will take care of you when it matters nearly. For instance, if yous simply agglomeration upward your cables and store them, they'll probably end up breaking at a time when you don't have time to arrange a replacement – or even mid- show! It'south important to learn how to tie your cables up neatly – perhaps even use velcro  cable ties.

Write down notes about the show on your phone or on a piece of paper. Don't vanquish yourself about any missed notes or chords and effort to exist objective nearly what you can better. Review those notes when preparing for the next show and endeavor to improve. Remember, it's non most the notes that you played only how y'all fabricated the audience feel .

More info

Promise you lot guys constitute this slice handy – you should be feeling inspired and stage-ready! If y'all fancy reading some more than about gear and picking up a few tips and tricks along the way, check out the rest of our Learn content while you're here!

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